You’re ready to find something good to listen to. Whether you Google “podcasts” as a first-time podcast listener or you’re a long-time podcast addict, RadioPublic’s free, easy to use podcast player for Android makes listening to podcasts simple, enjoyable, & fun. (Also: free. We like that podcasts are free & we don’t provide our app for free at the expense of your privacy or personal data; we don’t require an account or social login to browse or listen. And unlike other free apps, we have no banner ads AND offer features that only paid apps have.)
Our podcast catalog
When you download the app through a podcast’s RadioPublic link, we magically return you to the show to listen^ subscribe If you’re not sure what else to add to your queue after that, you can search through our catalog of 500,000 podcasts (!!) for popular podcasts, podcast audio books, music podcasts (Spotify & Pandora aren’t the only places for listening to music!), & podcasts from networks like Gimlet, Radiotopia, BBC, Earwolf, Maximum Fun, HowStuffWorks, Stitcher, & the CBC or from news publications like The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, & USA Today.
The human touch
Our Podcast Librarians regularly highlight award-winning podcasts, picking shows at the top of podcast charts like Apple Podcasts from NPR, WNYC, & PRX like This American Life, Criminal, & Serial while digging deep to surface small indie podcasts.
Overwhelmed by all the choices?
Tune in to one of our podcast stations organized by topic, theme, or time of day (podcasts are perfect for folding laundry!). Browse our podcast playlists curated by podcast experts & listeners like you, or explore some of our popular categories like Trending on RadioPublic, Indies to Watch, News & Current Events, Portraits of People, Interviews with Musicians, & Shows that Talk about Pop Culture. All our podcast recommendations are hand-curated by real humans & as one happy listener said, “I love all of the recommendations from their librarians. Total game changer.” (We couldn’t agree more.)
Key benefits & features for new listeners
RadioPublic is a Public Benefit Corporation, which means that everything we do benefits podcast listeners & podcasters alike.
• Add a HearMark™ to any podcast episode to bookmark a moment you want to return to
• Download episodes while on WiFi & listen without using mobile data
• Tap play & stream podcast episodes without waiting for a download
• Create a continuous playlist by adding episodes to your queue
• Share podcasts & episodes with friends
• Follow your favorite shows & get notified when new episodes are published
• Hop to a specific moment in a show selected by a podcaster with chapter support
• Frequent app updates from nice people who love podcasts & podcasters. (Our release notes are a thing of beauty. We like Canadian references a lot.)
Features power users will love
• Adjust playback speed or Trim Silence
• Smart Folders help organize & filter your shows/episodes
• Auto-downloads for offline listening
• Add any podcast, including private Patreon RSS feeds
• Import/export your shows using OPML import
How podcasters benefit from listening on RadioPublic
• Podcasters can be paid when their show is heard in RadioPublic
• Your brand-new listeners arrive at your show first
• Stats appear in your hosting dashboard
• Message your most loyal listeners with Affinity Promotions
As one happy podcaster said, "RadioPublic’s development of Paid Listens is created with producers in mind. You all are going to revolutionize the industry.”
That revolution is to help us create the podcast republic we want. Happy listening!
您已经准备好寻找好听的东西。无论您是Google的Podcast初次收听者,还是长期沉迷于Podcast的人,RadioPublic的免费,易于使用的Android播客播放器都使收听Podcast变得轻松,有趣和有趣。 (也:免费。我们喜欢播客是免费的,并且我们不会免费提供我们的应用程序,而这会损害您的隐私或个人数据;我们不需要帐户或社交登录名即可浏览或收听。与其他免费软件不同应用程序,我们没有横幅广告,并且仅提供付费应用程序提供的功能。)
当您通过播客的RadioPublic链接下载该应用程序时,我们会神奇地使您返回到节目中收听^订阅如果您不确定此后还需要添加什么内容,可以在我们的500,000个播客目录中进行搜索(!! ),用于流行的播客,播客有声读物,音乐播客(Spotify和Pandora并不是唯一的听音乐的地方!),以及来自Gimlet,Radioptopia,BBC,Earwolf,Maximum Fun,HowStuffWorks,Stitcher和CBC或《纽约时报》,《华盛顿邮报》,CNN和《今日美国》等新闻出版物。
我们的播客图书馆员会定期突出显示屡获殊荣的播客,在播客排行榜顶部精选节目,例如NPR,WNYC和PRX的Apple播客,例如This American Life,Criminal和Serial,同时深入挖掘小型独立播客。
•喜欢播客和播客的好人经常进行应用更新。 (我们的发行说明真是太美了。我们非常喜欢加拿大的参考文献。)
•添加任何播客,包括私人Patreon RSS feed
正如一位开心的播客说的那样:“ RadioPublic付费收听的发展是在考虑制作人的基础上进行的。你们所有人都将彻底改变这个行业。”